Selasa, 24 Agustus 2010


Mari ber-ZAKAT….
Zakat yang seharusnya merupakan kekuatan dahsyat bagi umat islam untuk menuju kesejahteraan umat dan pengembangan dakwah justru malah sebaliknya, menjadi harta karun yang terpendam dalam dalam di dasar “Bumi”,… sehingga sangat sulit diangkat kepermukaan untuk mengatasi dan memberi jawaban apa yang di butuhkan umat.

Tidak mustahil bangsa ini akan jaya manakala penduduk negeri ini yang mayoritas muslim memiliki kesadaran ber-Zakat yang tinggi.
Dan tahukah anda jika gerakan berzakat di kelola dengan baik dan professional secara berjama’ah maka “ gemah ripah loh jinawi “ itu akan segera terwujud sehingga mampu menjadi “ baldatun toyibatun warobun ghofur “….

Gerakan ber-Zakat di pelopori oleh Khalifah Abu Bakar r.a menegaskan :
barang siapa yang berani memisahkan antara Shalat dan Zakat “qitalul mrtadin” kita perangi orang-orang yang murtad ( para pembangkang Zakat )

Ada slogan yang mengatakan : “ jadikan hidup lebih hebat dengan kesadaran ber-ZAKAT dan peningkatan kualitas amal ibadah melalui langkah berbagi dan peduli …”

Sucikan dan selamatkan harta maupun diri anda dengan ber –ZAKAT , semua harta yang kita miliki dan jelas milik kita sendiri , sesungguhnya ada yang haram apa bila kita makan semuanya , harus ada yang kita keluarkan sebagian kepentingan dhu’afa dan sabilillah.
Banyak umat islam termasuk kita semua tidak menyadari bahwa harta yang dimiliki akan menjadi bara api di akherat kelak. Zakat itu membersihkan diri dari kekikiran dan cinta yang berlebih-lebihan kepada harta benda. Zakat itu menyuburkan sifat kebaikan dalam hati.

“ pada hari dipanaskan emas dan perak itu dalam neraka jahanam, lalu di bakarkan dengannya dahi,lambung dan punggung mereka, lalu dikatakan kepada mereka inilah harta bendamu yang kamu simpan untuk dirimu sendiri , maka rasakanlah sekarang akibat dari apa yang kamu simpan-simpan itu..” (QS At-taubah: 35)

Banyak sekali orang yang bercita-cita beribadah Haji dengan hartanya , tapi sedikit orang yang bercita-cita ingin ber-ZAKAT…..
Marilah kita senantiasa mengingat bahwasanya didalam harta yang kita miliki ada sebagian hak orang lain maka SUCIKANLAH……

Zakat dalam bahasa Arab mempunyai beberapa makna :
Pertama, zakat bermakna At-Thohuru, yang artinya membersihkan atau mensucikan. Makna ini menegaskan bahwa orang yang selalu menunaikan zakat karena Allah dan bukan karena ingin dipuji manusia, Allah akan membersihkan dan mensucikan baik hartanya maupun jiwanya. Allah SWT berfirman dalam surat At-Taubah ayat 103:

"Ambillah zakat dari sebagian harta mereka, dengan zakat itu kamu membersihkan dan mensucikan mereka dan mendo'alah untuk mereka. Sesungguhnya do'a kamu itu ketenteraman jiwa bagi mereka. Dan Allah Maha Mendengar lagi Maha Mengetahui."

Kedua, zakat bermakna Al-Barakatu, yang artinya berkah. Makna ini menegaskan bahwa orang yang selalu membayar zakat, hartanya akan selalu dilimpahkan keberkahan oleh Allah SWT, kemudian keberkahan harta ini akan berdampak kepada keberkahan hidup. Keberkahan ini lahir karena harta yang kita gunakan adalah harta yang suci dan bersih, sebab harta kita telah dibersihkan dari kotoran dengan menunaikan zakat yang hakekatnya zakat itu sendiri berfungsi untuk membersihkan dan mensucikan harta.

Ketiga, zakat bermakna An-Numuw, yang artinya tumbuh dan berkembang. Makna ini menegaskan bahwa orang yang selalu menunaikan zakat, hartanya (dengan izin Allah) akan selalu terus tumbuh dan berkembang. Hal ini disebabkan oleh kesucian dan keberkahan harta yang telah ditunaikan kewajiban zakatnya. Tentu kita tidak pernah mendengar orang yang selalu menunaikan zakat dengan ikhlas karena Allah, kemudian banyak mengalami masalah dalam harta dan usahanya, baik itu kebangkrutan, kehancuran, kerugian usaha, dan lain sebagainya. Tentu kita tidak pernah mendengar hal seperti itu, yang ada bahkan sebaliknya.

Keempat, zakat bermakna As-Sholahu, yang artinya beres atau keberesan, yaitu bahwa orang orang yang selalu menunaikan zakat, hartanya akan selalu beres dan jauh dari masalah. Orang yang dalam hartanya selalu ditimpa musibah atau masalah, misalnya kebangkrutan, kecurian, kerampokan, hilang, dan lain sebagainya boleh jadi karena mereka selalu melalaikan zakat yang merupakan kewajiban mereka dan hak fakir miskin beserta golongan lainnya yang telah Allah sebutkan dalam Al - Qur'an.

Senin, 16 Agustus 2010

37th anniversary of the SP Kahutindo

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Karyadeka - Monday, July 12th, 2010 activities to celebrate 37th anniversary of the SP Kahutindo concentrated in the city of Semarang. The delegation from the DPP Kahutindo SP, GS, BWI, carry out visits to the PUK SP Kahutindo PT. Kal Kalimas Rubber Plantation. Which directly received by the Assistant Director of Bp. Sigim Mahmud And Unions of Executives PUK Kahutindo PT Kal brothers  Andhi and Untung  S. During the visit the delegation from the DPP, GS and BWI to see the production process into rubber latex processing semi-finished. from the initial milling process until fumigation latex.
In Kalimas Rubber Plantation that his half of the land cleared and planted with sengon (albizia) covering 73 ha, are common in softwood plants use to pallets or finir. And there are some who planted Jabon (Jati Ambon) covering five hectares.
SP PUK Kahutindo PT. Karyadeka Alam Lestari whose members are associated with reduced diminishing his work with the felling of rubber land which the company developed its land became the property of land and planting sengon. PUK member until July 2010 was only about 218 members. Actually there are about 400an employees but their status as workers are seasonal workers and contract workers do not join into the union.
This is one problem or in which ever revealed and discussed in a board meeting Head Unit SP Kahutindo PT. KAL. By considering a few things from the contract workers are reluctant to enter for fear of association with risk. Well ... it becomes a classic problem in the world of workers. Workers will likely she chose to work with or may be paid under the UMK , and she feels safe with no association because he feels will work forever (hope workers).
Things like this happen as they may lack knowledge of the contract and seasonal workers about the association and the lack of understanding about the work rules. This problem is a problem with labor activists to solve the classic things that happened in working condition when this occurs.
Fresh servings of low here is because labor requirements and labor are very much equal.

Little exposure of cultivation and Jabon sengon

Raising Sengon
Sengon in the Latin language called Albazia Falcataria, including families Mimosaceae, family petai - petaian. In Indonesia, sengon has several regional names such as the following:
Java: jeunjing, jeunjing sea (Sunda), Kalbi, sengon Landi, sengon sea, or sengon sabrang (java).
Maluku: history (Ambon), brush (Banda), laughter (Ternate), and gosui (Tidore)
The most important part on the plant has economic value sengon is wood. The tree can reach about 20-30 feet tall with a trunk diameter of about 70-80 cm. Sengon rod shape and not rounded buttress. Outer skin is white or gray, no, grooved, and no peeling.
Sengon wood used for house building poles, container boards, cases of cash, furniture, fences, stalks and a matchbox, pulp, paper and other ainnya.
Sengon plant canopies shaped like an umbrella with lush leaves that are not too dense. Sengon pinnate leaves composed double compound leaves with small children and easy to fall out. Paraserianthes faded green leaf color, is used to cook food and also as an absorber of nitrogen and carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
Sengon have a fairly strong taproot to penetrate into the soil, the root hair is not too big, not dense and not protruding surface of the soil. Hair root function to save the substance of nitrogen, therefore the soil around the tree becomes fertile sengon ..
Sengon flower panicles are arranged in the form of the size of approximately 0.5 cm -1, yellowish white in color and slightly hairy. Each flower is composed of male flowers bloom and female flowers, in a way that assisted pollination by wind or serangga.Buah paraserianthes shaped pod, flat, thin, and the length is about 6-12 cm. Each fruit pod contains 15-30 seeds. Shield-like shape and small seed if old seeds are blackish brown, rather hard and waxy.

Habitat Sengon
Sengon plants can grow well in soil regosol, alluvial, and latosolic textured sandy clay or clay dust with soil acidity around pH 6-7.

Optimum altitude for the plant sengon between 000-800 m above sea level. Although this is still sengon plants can grow to a height 1500 m above sea level. Sengon including tropical plants, so to grow requires a temperature of about 18 Â ° - 27 Â ° C.


Crop Prospects Jabon
Jabon a timber plant that is generally used as raw material for plywood, the industry is a form of the timber industry has a relatively rapid growth.
This is because since the year 2002, an international organization in the field of timber industry or the International Trade of Timber Organization (ITTO), issued a requirement that tropical timber should not be exported, unless the wood is processed first
Jabon agribusiness trying to answer the challenges of the timber industry, especially plywood. this condition due to age harvested Jabon ie relatively short range of 4-5 years can be harvested and processed, so that the plant Jabon is the most appropriate alternative as the raw material of plywood or similar timber industry.
Wood processing results Jabon:
1. raw materials vinyr
2. raw materials for plywood
3. pulp (raw material for paper)
4. fruit crate
5. kids toys
6. matches
7. concrete molds, etc.
requirements for the manufacture of plywood products:
1. cylindrical rod
2. branch-free stem height + 5 m
3. minimum diameter of 15 cm
4. texture and the direction of the straight fiber
5. density / specific gravity of 0.4 to 0.7 g / cm ³
other than that many farmers switched to crops planted sengon Jabon, this is due to rust disease that attacks plants sengon furu.
Jabon crop cultivation
Supplies of wood for the global market in 2001 just experienced a growing world shortage of sharp while at the same time a process of narrowing of the forest area. The fact that the market has been opened wide for anyone who invests in this timber.
Tropical forest area was damaged badly enough. Logging without balanced with efforts to become the leading cause of serious regeneration of this problem. Deforestation in tropical areas increases the temperature of the earth and the depletion of earth's oxygen levels. This evidence has contributed to an international organization timber (ITTO) to participate and determine the future of tropical timber trade. Organization ITTO has announced several steps to protect tropical forests that have been implemented starting in 2002. ahead of the next century, provided that the ITTO use of tropical timber must not be exported unless the wood is the result of processing. It is therefore necessary commercial timber cultivation program to produce quality wood with a higher value.
Jabon WHY?
Jabon has several advantages compared with other forest wood plants. In addition to the growing power of a very fast, straight and tall, cylindrical trunked, branches will fall off by itself, nature is advantageous because it does not require pruning. The wood is yellowish white, very good with no visible fibers used for the manufacture of plywood (plywood), furniture, non-construction building materials, as well as sawn timber, crops Jabon menpunyai optimal ranges over 12 years but at the age of 6-8 years has been able in the cutting ( middle minimum 30).
Jabon Specifications:
- Self purning, shedding their own leaves.
- Plant upright, branches fall off by itself.
- Growth rate of tree diameter between 50-10 cm per year, height can reach 20 m at age lk. 12 years.
Ecology grow:
- Altitude place
- Sea level. = 10-1000 m above sea level.
- Rainfall = 1250 - 3500 mm / Th
- The estimated temperature = 100 C - 370 C
- The condition of the soil = sandy clay, red soil, calcareous soil, paddy soil
- PH soil = 4.5 to 7.5.


37th anniversary of the SP Kahutindo